The Influence of Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 on Doing Business

Google Workspace Microsoft 365 comparison

The decision as to which software should be used across the board in a company is often not an easy one. There are now plenty of alternatives to the top dog, Microsoft 365, with Google Workspace leading the way. A study has compared the two from the users’ point of view. The results are good for a surprise here and there. Read for yourself who won the race.

Step up your agile transformation – How the right tools can help you to reach the next level in your agile environment!

SAFE step up your agile transformation

Over the last twenty years, agile has gained more and more traction in not only the technology world, but across all business sectors. Now, it is almost a no-brainer for startups and enterprise organizations alike. While startups seem to thrive with agile, larger organizations tend to struggle when attempting to scale the methodology. This is why frameworks such as SAFe® and Spotify have started to gain traction at the enterprise level.

Atlassian Cloud Mythbusting Part 5: What Happens to my Data?

In this fifth chapter of our Atlassian Cloud Mythbusting series, we explore myths about data management in the cloud. Your data is probably the most important thing in your company, so you want to make sure it’s safe, wherever it is. It’s understandable that you may be a bit hesitant to move them to the cloud, but have no fear, Atlassian Cloud is here!