All posts by Maximilian Boos

Enterprise News Bundle for Confluence: custom presentation of company news in the Confluence intranet

The Enterprise News Bundle integrates corporate news into your Confluence system extending it to meet the core corporate intranet requirement. Our development team has now released version 2.1 of this Confluence app, which has some small but useful features for even more flexibility and customization.

News From Our Confluence Development Team

In this post, I want to give you some insights into what we have been working on around Confluence and our social intranet suite Linchpin: What new versions and products are starting development? What new features will be delivered for our various add-ons soon? What is being optimized and improved? You can read all this and more.

Implement Your Corporate Design Easily in Confluence

Linchpin Theme Plugin makes implementing your corporate design in Confluence easy

Magenta advertising banners or flyers, a capital “T” and four dots – who didn’t think about a certain large, German telecommunications company? This example shows just how important corporate design is. You’ll find out why corporate design plays an important role in your Confluence system and how the Linchpin Theme Plugin supports the implementation of your specific corporate design in Confluence in this blog post.

New Version 3.0 of Microblogging for Confluence: Enhanced user personalization, improved control possibilities for admins

Microblogging for Confluence is an add-on that extends Confluence to include a modern social media and communication feature with timeline, subscribable topics, likes, mentions, and other features that each employee knows from their private use of Facebook, Twitter & Co. Users and teams use Confluence microblogs to exchange ideas, to get quick feedback from colleagues, or to agree on projects in an uncomplicated way.