All posts by ppasler

Our Journey to Working Remotely at //Seibert/Media pt. 2

The current situation leads us to look into new forms of collaboration. How does teamwork work when the team members aren’t all in one place? What can support smooth collaboration, and what are the most important factors?

As someone who works from home in general, I have gained a wide range of insight into this over the last few years.  However, it’s something completely different when suddenly an entire company is forced into remote work overnight.  I previously shared a general overview of the measures we took in the first post I wrote on the subject. Now I’d like to expand upon that.

Our journey to working remotely at //Seibert/Media

The novel coronavirus COVID-19 has had us on tenterhooks since 2020 began. Home office is no longer something that’s “nice to have” but a necessity to support the containment of this pandemic. Here we look at some of the approaches we are currently using at //SEIBERT/MEDIA to make the most of the exceptional circumstances we find ourselves in!

Distributed Collaboration: Big Meetings, Big Problems?

No longer is it a special case for companies and their teams to find themselves in a meeting with participants who aren’t sitting (or standing) in the room with them. It’s critical for clients and stakeholders to be involved in communicating and coordinating with external partners. Teams are often distributed or they have individual team members who work remotely. Since I’m a remote employee who is a part of a local Scrum team at //SEIBERT/MEDIA, I have a lot of experience in this area which I’d like to share with you in this article.

Remote meetings: Open-mindedness and willingness to experiment leads to better results

Thanks to the modernization and digitalization of teamwork in enterprises, the organizational and technological obstacles to remote work are lower than ever before. As such, distributed project teams have been commonplace for quite some time now. But old habits are hard to break, and this is most apparent when it comes to meetings. Here we look at common reservations when it comes to video meetings and how to overcome them.