Category Archives: Analytics

Jira Work Management – Bridging the Gap between Technical and Business Teams

Jira Work Management - Bridging the Gap between Technical and Business Team - thumbnail

When non-technical teams jump on board the Jira solution for technical teams, they are confronted with features and terms that are aimed at technical requirements and only reflect the needs of business teams to a limited extent. But Jira Cloud is now also helping these teams: with Jira Work Management, all business teams can work on products in the Jira environment, turn ideas into projects and play their part in creating customer value. In this blog post, we would like to present the latest functions that Atlassian has recently delivered for Jira Work Management.

Jira Product Discovery: Casting Ideas into a Structure

Jira Product Discovery: Casting Ideas into a Structure - thumbnail

From ideation in Jira Product Discovery (Beta) to delivery with Jira Software and support via Jira Service Management, Atlassian’s Jira suite offers a powerful collection of interconnected tools to help teams do their best work. Now Atlassian has released a tool that helps with all of this: Jira Product Discovery. This new tool is designed to help product managers and their teams prioritise and collaborate on product ideas in a structured way.

Atlassian Analytics: A New Foundation for Data-driven Decisions

Atlassian Analytics: A new foundation for data-driven decisions - thumbnail

For countless software, IT and business teams in tens of thousands of companies, Atlassian products are virtually essential for survival. But they’re not the only tools these teams use, of course. All of these systems produce vast amounts of data – and organisations need ways to turn that data into the right insights to drive good decisions. To support data-driven decision-making, Atlassian last year introduced a feature set called Atlassian Analytics, which has now outgrown the beta stage and is available in the cloud enterprise plans for Jira Software, Jira Service Management and Confluence.