Category Archives: integration

8 Advantages of Modern Cloud Software – Results of An Atlassian Survey

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As the infrastructural basis for modern enterprise software, the Cloud platform has what it takes to transform working life for the better and help companies achieve greater flexibility, productivity and efficiency in an increasingly complex competitive landscape. And the results of a recent survey among Atlassian customers who have completed the migration from on-premise to the Cloud show that these are not just marketing slogans and sales promises.

Documentation from Jira to Confluence – How It Works with Autopage!

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Documentation in software development is not exactly the greatest of joys for many teams. Nevertheless, the documentation of a software product must of course be as complete and comprehensive as possible. The app AutoPage has set out to take much of the pain out of manual documentation work for teams. It makes it possible to automatically create Confluence pages directly from Jira on which the current contents of the processes are documented. In this post, we’ll go through the initial setup of AutoPage step by step. Once you have done these things, your team can use Jira as usual – with the difference that the further development is now automatically mapped in Confluence.

Say Hello To FlowDingo – The Workflow App for Jira

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FlowDingo is not just any task management app. The result of a collaborative development effort between Seibert Media and Kantega SSO, the core of FlowDingo’s design is enabling teams to order tasks in a workflow, and then provide a visual overview of that flow within a ticket. It helps Jira users track the myriad of dependencies between an issue’s tasks. Now available for download in the Atlassian Marketplace, we think you’ll enjoy the functionality of an app that integrates many of the features of a full project management tool, without all the fuss. And it’s right within your Jira!

Atlassian Together – a Work Management Suite for the New World of Collaboration

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The world of work has changed and many companies are now organising themselves differently than before the pandemic, which has accelerated many developments – including the acceptance of distributed teams. The new product suite Atlassian Together steps up to support organisations in their transformation to an open, agile, transparent collaboration culture and to provide them with the appropriate toolset for modern collaboration in teams and across teams.

Quality Management Features In Properties for Confluence

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With the modern-day workforce often being completely remote or a hybrid form of remote and in-office, quality management becomes more difficult. You can’t always pick up the phone or walk to someone’s desk. To be able to see “who did what and when” in Confluence, Properties now lets you view certain changes in the metadata so you don’t have to wait for that colleague from overseas to come online anymore.

Ignition Sequence Start, Liftoff with Checklists for Confluence and Jira, the Ultimate Checklist App

Ignition sequence start, liftoff with Checklists for Confluence and Jira, the ultimate checklist app - thumbnail

During the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969, an error message occured. And when things go wrong in such a high-stakes mission, they can go horribly wrong. Astronauts wouldn’t be able to come back to Earth. But thanks to the fact that the ground crew had checklists to work through when the error flashed up, they knew exactly what to do. And that’s why checklists are so important. They make sure you don’t forget anything when the stakes are high.