Category Archives: Intranets

Texts should be created, shared, and edited in a Wiki, not in Word or within e-mails

Within a company there can be many approaches for the development of texts as well as the sharing of texts for further revision. We could, for example, write a text in Word and then load the final version into the enterprise wiki. We could also send around texts by e-mail, asking colleagues to read them and, if necessary, to make changes. But we could also develop a text directly within a wiki. What should we think of this particular work process?

111 Reasons why you need an Enterprise Wiki

At //SEIBERT/MEDIA, we’ve been working on a wiki for years. Through our day-to-day work as well as through dozens of enterprise wiki projects, we have experienced – thanks to innumerable different cases – how useful and valuable a wiki can be on a number of levels. Therefore, we believe it is high time to compress the arguments for a wiki into the limited space offered by tweets to make our points as efficiently as possible.