Is SAFe® Something I Should Consider for my Organization?

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More and more organizations are adopting SAFe as a means to improve product offerings and decrease time-to-market. Despite its many advantages, implementing SAFe at the enterprise level is an important and complex process that requires an expert consultant’s guidance to ensure a successful transition. A good understanding of SAFe benefits, challenges, and real-world applications will help you decide whether or not it provides an advantage to your organization.

How To Master Your Intranet Introductory Project

linchpin suite How To Master Your Intranet Introductory Project

The time may come for your organization when it decides that it would benefit from a corporate intranet. In order for the intranet deployment to be successful, the organization must first define the problems that it intends to solve or mitigate. Defining how an intranet will address these problems will be instrumental in selecting the right one for adoption. The phases that constitute the intranet adoption process are described below.

Aid for Ukraine: Because our help is needed today

volunteers collecting donations for ukraine

There is a war going on in Ukraine. Not far from us, bombs are falling, rockets are being fired, tanks are rolling through fields and streets. At Seibert Media, we don’t want to just stand by and do nothing – we want to help. And we put our words into action. Very concretely. Read what we’re doing – and maybe you’ll be inspired to take action yourself. Together, we can at least give some hope to those who have fled the war.