Tag Archives: extranet

Confluence, Data protection & GDPR: Adapting Terms of Use and configuring user visibility

Since the GDPR, data protection has gained a great deal of importance. It affects all customer and user data, including data that converges in an extranet where customers, interested parties, partners, etc. communication and collaborate. The Terms of Use for Confluence and Space Privacy – Extranet for Confluence apps provide solutions to the new challenges surrounding data protection for Confluence-based extranet systems.

Your company extranet: Collaboration with customers, partners and suppliers

//SEIBERT/MEDIA has been working on intranets since almost the very beginning of the company in 1996. One of the first intranets was also an extranet. Today, we are quite successful in marketing our intranet solution Linchpin. I am proud of the fact that huge corporations with thousands of employees in dozens of different countries are using our solution and technology in order to collaborate better. We are now preparing the marketing of a standardized solution for extranets. Want to learn more?