Tag Archives: jira work management

How to Improve Cross-functional Collaboration Between Business and Tech Teams

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There is often a systematic communication gap between the business and technical teams within a company. Ideally, they should form a dynamic, mutually complementary duo. By removing blockages and hurdles, making cross-functional collaboration easier, business and tech teams can create overarching alignment and deliver more customer value together.

Jira Work Management – Bridging the Gap between Technical and Business Teams

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When non-technical teams jump on board the Jira solution for technical teams, they are confronted with features and terms that are aimed at technical requirements and only reflect the needs of business teams to a limited extent. But Jira Cloud is now also helping these teams: with Jira Work Management, all business teams can work on products in the Jira environment, turn ideas into projects and play their part in creating customer value. In this blog post, we would like to present the latest functions that Atlassian has recently delivered for Jira Work Management.

4 Barriers that Hinder Team Productivity – and How to Overcome Them

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Achieving company-wide harmonisation and synchronisation of alignment so that all teams are working towards the same goals and pulling in the same direction is not a trivial task. In fact, it is more difficult today than ever before. The number of applications, the volume of information and the complexity we encounter every day are constantly increasing and creating barriers to team productivity.