Tag Archives: Remote working

Remote Work and Distributed Teams: 4 Insights into the Future of Flexible Work

Remote Work and Distributed Teams: 4 Insights into the Future of Flexible Work - thumbnail

It has now been around three years since the pandemic fundamentally changed the world of work in many sectors and industries. And as it turns out, this trend towards greater flexibility is apparently here to stay. This is proven by the figures of the Atlassian report “State of Teams” from 2022: 22 percent of the surveyed teams work completely remotely, 35 percent work completely in the shared office again, 43 percent follow hybrid models. Around two-thirds of all teams have thus abandoned the traditional approach, with the high proportion of hybrid teams being particularly striking. This raises some interesting questions about the future of work, and “State of Teams” gives us some figures in this regard.

How Modern Cloud Software Makes Hybrid Work Models Possible

How modern Cloud software makes hybrid work models possible - cloud thumbnail

It would be premature and unwise to predict the imminent death of the physical office. Most people want to meet and interact with other people face to face, and physical constellations are where most innovations are born. However, Cloud technologies have made the entire globe a potential place to work. Companies that embrace this fact and embrace it as an opportunity are more attractive to top talent, who in turn enjoy the luxury of being highly selective in their job choices. Modern Cloud software supports Hybrid Work on three levels.

We 🧡 draw.io #6 – and Unique Diagrams from Our Customers!

We love draw.io #6 - and unique diagrams from our customers! - thumbnail

In our “I 🧡 draw.io” series, we highlight the many possible uses and types of diagrams you can make with draw.io. This time, we also present use cases that are rather unusual for us: For example, we show you what connects a car refurbishment company, a hair salon and students of mathematics, and why we have sometimes been able to help without even knowing it.

Hybrid Work with Google Workspace – Part 6: Healthy Self-Management in the Home Office

Hybrid Work with Google Workspace - Part 6: Healthy Self-Management in the Home Office - thumbnail

For hybrid work to succeed, you need healthy routines and habits – it’s the only way to make the mix of home and office feel as natural as possible for everyone in the company. We’ll give you some tips on how to get the most out of your hybrid work model – with the help of Google Workspace.

Hybrid Work with Google Workspace – Part 5: Scenarios for Successful Meetings

Hybrid work with Google Workspace - Part 5: Scenarios for Successful Meetings - thumbnail

Not all hybrid meetings are the same, because every situation and every goal has an impact on the design of such a meeting. This may cause uncertainty at the beginning, but it also opens up many possibilities. To make sure hybrid meetings don’t unsettle you (anymore), we’ve prepared some templates to give you insights into the diverse world of hybrid work (and starting points to help you along).

Hybrid work with Google Workspace – Part 4: How to Succeed in Hybrid Meetings with Google Meet and Companion Mode

Hybrid work with Google Workspace - Part 4: How to succeed in hybrid meetings with Google Meet and Companion Mode - thumbnail

Have you ever attended a hybrid meeting remotely and wondered, “Do people in the office even notice me?” It’s not a great feeling when you’re sitting in your home office, barely able to join the conversation and ultimately feeling left out. But with Google Meet and Companion Mode, remote colleagues no longer have to worry about being literally “left out” of hybrid meetings. We’ll show you what interactive features Companion Mode has in store for you.

Hybrid Work with Google Workspace – Part 2: How Collaboration Tools Boost Your Productivity – and That of Your Team!

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Hybrid working and productivity – do they even go together? If you’re equipped with the tools from Google Workspace – then of course! In this blog article, we’ll explain how collaboration tools in hybrid work environments can help you and your team become more productive and work together more effectively.