draw.io: Professional Diagrams in Confluence and JIRA

draw.io is a sophisticated diagramming plugin for Confluence and JIRA, created by JGraph. With draw.io you can quickly and easily create a wide range of diagrams in both Confluence and JIRA: flow charts, network diagrams, org charts, UML diagrams, mind maps, and many more. Here are some examples. The underlying core technology, mxGraph, has been in development since 2005 and today is the market reference implementation. In 2012, the draw.io plugin for Confluence was created for the Atlassian Marketplace, these are some of the advantages of draw.io for Confluence and JIRA:

Functionality for power users and ease of use for occasional users

draw.io is probably the most feature-rich web-based tool of its kind and many Confluence and JIRA users use it to replace proprietary desktop solutions such as Visio.

A large range of built-in stencils for all types of diagrams can be intuitively dragged and dropped and easily manipulated using keyboard, mouse or gestures. The user interface gets out of your way to get on with the task, yet provides the range of functionality you need for more complex jobs.

Built on a solid foundation

mxGraph is the technology base of draw.io, it’s the most mature and market-leading solution, as well as the only library that works in every browser without plugins. mxGraph runs completely client side, meaning you get the highest levels of responsiveness and reliability.

Full Customization

Every single part of the editor can be customised. If you want to remove menus and toolbars you don’t need, add custom shapes for your common tasks, brand the interface to match your company’s styling, draw.io can be changed to meet any requirements. draw.io is the only plug of its kind that offers these options.

Real Enterprise Support

Enterprises don’t upgrade browsers as often smaller companies, life cycles are always longer. Many companies talk about Enterprise support then promptly drop IE 8 support, the most commonly deployed browser in Enterprises today. The base of draw.io, mxGraph, supports IE 6 until 2019 and draw.io benefits from its Enterprise-centric support view. IE 8 support in Confluence will extend beyond that of even Atlassian’s EOL policy.


draw.io is hand written, using no third-party libraries. Repeated optimisation cycles for mxGraph over 8 years means you get the fastest, most responsive application that exists today. This means both older computers and mobile devices work comfortably with exactly the same interface and functionality as everyone else.

The latest technology in the JIRA plugin

Whereas, Gliffy for JIRA is based on Adobe Flash, an out of date and insecure (the recent IE 6-11 security hole is actually a Flash problem in IE) technology for applications, draw.io for JIRA uses only native browser technologies. Your JIRA users won’t be left wondering why they have been left behind.

Full Mobile support

draw.io is fully responsive and works perfectly on mobile devices, iOS, Android, Chromebooks and Windows Touch devices. Users get all the functionality of desktops, plus touch specific helpers like enlarged handles to make control easier.

Seamless Confluence and JIRA integration

Your data is stored in Confluence and JIRA, it never leaves your host instance. draw.io doesn’t send your diagrams or any other usage data externally, unlike many other popular diagramming plugins by default.

Interview: What is and can draw.io?

The following interview with JGraph founder David Benson provides a summary of the potential of draw.io: What stands out in the draw.io functionality set compared to similar solutions? What are the advantages of the underlying technology? What are common use cases for the tool? In short: Why does draw.io need a thorough evaluation?

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More Information


Up to now you had one option for diagramming in the Atlassian ecosystem, Gliffy. Gliffy is a sophisticated diagramming solution and closely partnered with Atlassian. But now draw.io brings together the leading diagramming technology licensing vendor and one of Atlassian’s biggest expert partners to combine to make unrivalled offering in the marketplace for 50% of the licensing costs of Gliffy.

For companies looking for a professional, seamlessly integrated diagramming solution for their intranet, as well as the assurance of an expert Atlassian partner with offices worldwide, we recommend to thoroughly evaluate draw.io. Weigh up the power/cost ratio of all available options and make your own mind up as to which offering has the best value for money, feature set and support.

Your partner for draw.io

If you want to learn more, you can test draw.io for free and without obligation in a Confluence or JIRA environment. JGraph and //SEIBERT / MEDIA have partnered to offer you the best technology and individual consultation and licensing from a single source. We are happy to assist you in the evaluation, licensing and adoption - talk to us! More info also offers our special page on draw.io.

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