Linchpin Theme 2.12: New teaser options, improved design, enhanced system integration

Linchpin Theme allows you adapt the look of your Confluence instance, Confluence-based intranet and extranet systems, or individual areas. You can give them individual themes, customize them to meet your corporate design requirements, and integrate them into the design of your existing tool landscape – and all of this easily and without the need for re-programming. Our development team has just released version 2.12 of Linchpin Theme. Here's an overview of what's new.

New teaser options

The new version of Linchpin Theme offers two new teaser options: icon and image teasers. Both serve to provide straightforward navigation to key content within a Confluence intranet and to highlight particularly important information.

The icon teaser offers a choice of 75 different options. You can use the text field to search through the icons available. In the image teaser, the image spans the entire width and height of the teaser field. You can position the text and button directly on the teaser image. There is a set maximum size for both teaser options, making it easy to maintain a consistent layout.

Icon teaser configuration

Several teaser options

Changes in design

The development team has also carried out some changes and optimizations on the standard layout of Linchpin Theme.  The color scheme is now darker, while the header graphic has been replaced and a number of icons have been changed. The standard teaser also offers optimal spacing and font size.

Even better interaction with Linchpin Enterprise News

When continually developing and improving our Linchpin apps, the integration within the overall system and interaction between the individual Linchpin components always play a crucial role. In this case,  it was the interaction between Linchpin Theme and Linchpin Enterprise News.

In the current version of Linchpin Enterprise News, the content from the news teaser has been moved to the metadata of the corresponding blog post. You can now see the colors configured in Linchpin Theme in the news teaser's settings straight away. This way the user can always see the visual connection to the colors configured in Linchpin Theme.

Color configuration for a news teaser

Test Linchpin Theme now

The latest version of the Linchpin Theme app is now available on the Atlassian Marketplace. You can test a full-featured version of the product – without obligation or commitment. Do you have questions, suggestions, or feedback? Then get in touch with us, our development team looks forward to talking to you!

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Further information

By the way, we've renamed Linchpin Theme Plugin to be Linchpin Theme.
Did you know it is one of the core apps in Linchpin, our Confluence-based social intranet suite

Linchpin – Confluence-based social intranet
Everything you need to know about Linchpin Theme
Linchpin Theme: Adapt Confluence to meet your visual requirements
Corporate Design: Your own intranet app based on Linchpin Mobile

Our blog articles reflect the situation at the time of writing and are not updated. It is therefore possible that the contents are outdated and no longer correspond to the latest developments. We do not accept any liability for this.
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