Tools4AgileTeams 2019: The Call for Sessions is open – submit your session proposals on the topic of Tools and Leadership now!

Tools4AgileTeamsOn the 21 and 22 November in Wiesbaden, we are running the eighth Tools4AgileTeams conference. Our team has been busy with the organization: We have a new location, tickets are available and Jurgen Appelo is our first keynote speaker! Now it is time to work on the sessions themselves: We've opened the Call for Sessions for anyone who is interested in presenting.

Topic: Tools and Leadership

Just like every year, we've set a general topic or theme around which the sessions are loosely based. This year's overarching theme is "Tools and Leadership".

Leadership requires in-person conversations, and tools are for digital communication. If we categorize these two things in this way, they don’t seem to have much in common. But are they really so separate?

Further questions quickly arise in scaled agile practice: Do tools and leadership conflict with each other in theory or in practice? Or perhaps both? Should they really be considered separately? Are there any synergies we can take advantage of? Can tools actually support leadership? Can leadership in turn have a meaningful effect on tool choice?

That's what we want to talk about at Tools4AgileTeams in 2019! This overarching theme is a guideline rather than a rigid rule - we will discuss tools and leadership and also look at current practical problems around scaled agile that teams and companies face today.

Submit your session proposals now

We want to invite speakers to submit proposals for topics that they'd like to talk about with the agile community: Success stories and failures, practical examples, best (and worst) practices, example projects, new tools and concepts, ...

We have no requirements for the session format or design, apart from the times: 40 or 60 minutes for sessions on the conference day (22 Nov) and 45 minutes for sessions during Agile@Night on the evening beforehand (21 Nov).

Other than that, everything is possible: traditional presentations, short workshops, panel discussions, agile games. We are also open to other approaches. As a speaker, choose the format that best fits your session and provides the best opportunities for the participants to take away new knowledge, skills and approaches that they can put into practical use.

The closing date for the Call for Sessions is 30 June, after which all proposals will be reviewed by our advisory panel, and a preliminary program put together.

Go to the submission page for the Call for Sessions (in German, but sessions don't necessarily have to be!)


We are greatly looking forward to seeing your ideas and topics around the theme of Tools and Leadership, both in the narrow and the broad sense of the topic. For sure, we will have a great program full of inspiring and perhaps even controversial sessions at Tools4AgileTeams 2019! 🙂 Do you have any questions about the Call for Sessions? Please contact our organization team directly at:

PS: Would you like to support T4AT 2019 as a sponsor? You can find all the details about our sponsoring packages and the advantages of being a supporter here.

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Further information

The Tools4AgileTeams website
Tools4AgileTeams Conference 2019: Early bird tickets are now available
All of the presentations from the last T4AT conference in 2018 (in German)


Our blog articles reflect the situation at the time of writing and are not updated. It is therefore possible that the contents are outdated and no longer correspond to the latest developments. We do not accept any liability for this.
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